TensorFlow Reinforcement Learning Quick Start Guide
(1).Defining the states of the agent
In RL parlance, states represent the current situation of the agent. For
example, in the previous industrial mobile robot agent case, the state at a
given time instant is the location of the robot inside the factory – that is,
where it is located, its orientation, or more precisely, the pose of the robot.
For a robot that has joints and effectors, the state can also include the
precise location of the joints and effectors in a three-dimensional space. For
an autonomous car, its state can represent its speed, location on a map,
distance to other obstacles, torques on its wheels, the rpm of the engine, and
so on. States are usually deduced from sensors in the real world; for instance,
the measurement from odometers, LIDARs, radars, and cameras. States can be a
one-dimensional vector of real numbers or integers, or two-dimensional camera
images, or even higher-dimensional, for instance, three-dimensional voxels.
There are really no precise limitations on states, and the state just represents
the current situation of the agent. In RL literature, states are typically
represented as st , where the subscript t is used to denote the time instant
corresponding to the state.